
Preventative Health Care for your Dog

Catching a problem in your dog’s health before it becomes serious can not only save you time and money, but protect your dog as well. Taking preventative health measures for your dog include examining her at home every week and annual exams with the vet.

The annual exam with the vet is not simply administering vaccinations, but also involves a complete examination of the dog. The vet will palpate all of the dog’s organs to make sure they feel normal, listen to the heart and longs, checks the eyes and ears and check the temperature.

Vaccinations are key to protect your dog’s health. They can help prevent serious diseases such as rabies, hepatitis and parainfluenza. Vets can also vaccinate your dog for Lyme disease, which is important if you live in a wooded area or your dog spends a lot of her time outside.

Most people are not aware that spaying or neutering before a dog reaches maturity can help prevent them against health problems and diseases. It is commonly assumed that you should wait until the dog goes into heat before spaying, but that is simply a myth. The procedures themselves are a lot easier to perform when the dogs are young and do not require the use of as much anesthesia.

Dogs that are spayed or neutered before they go into heat and mature are much more likely to live a long, healthy life. You should get your dog altered by the time they are four to six months old. It is not a huge expense, but offers great rewards. In addition to protecting the health of your dog, spaying and neutering prevents the birth of unwanted puppies that become homeless and sick and have very difficult lives. No one wants to see dogs needlessly suffer, so get your dog spayed and neutered to help protect them and other dogs.

1 comment:

Vikram said...

Good Info ! Keep the Articles going....
