
Is your dog barking excessively?

Dog Barking is a completely natural and normal behaviour for all dogs and you should understand that. However, it may be a little difficult for your neighbours to accept this explanation. Common sense tells you that it is impossible to have your dog become completely quiet. What you can do is to control when they should bark, and when they should not. Follow these steps below:

- Find out what exactly is causing your dog to bark and eliminate the cause.

- Keep your dog’s favourite treat nearby.

- Praise your dog once it starts barking with a “Good job” followed immediately by asking “What is the matter Rover?”

- Simply tell your dog to “Be quiet” afterwards.

- Wave the treat to your dog to distract it. Almost all dogs would be more interested in the treat and immediately be quiet while attempting to lick the treat.

- Continue to praise your dog and say that it is doing a good job for being quiet.

- Wave the treat for another 3 seconds while your dog is quiet, then give it to him.

- Should it begin to bark again, start waving the treat in front of the dog . This time, wait five seconds of silence by dog before giving it the treat. This should teach your dog that it will be rewarded after each successful attempt.

- Each time you dog refuses to be quiet, simply say “Be quiet” in a firmer tone while waving the treat in front of it. Proceed to giving the treat to your dog if it stops barking as instructed and keeps quiet after a period of time.

- Try increasing the quiet-time intervals by 3 seconds for each successive time. Begin with 3 seconds, then 6 seconds, then 9 and so on. During the first few ‘sessions’, it is possible that your dog may require some time to learn the command. After a few repetitions, it soon learns the meaning of the command and obeys even without the treats.

Remember that they usually bark for a reason, either alerting us of danger or simply trying to get our attention.

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