
Cat Care - Vaccinations

Before the wide-spread usage of vaccinations, many cats would fall victim to disease and illness, and die; from the panleukopenia, also known as feline distemper, to upper respiratory infections like herpesvirus and calvirus, cats were vulnerable to a range of ailments. It is clear how important vaccinations are to a cat’s health. Deaths due to these and a host of other diseases have been reduced with the emergence of vaccinations.

Get Protected

Progress in medical technology has made redundant the usage of injections for vaccinating cats; there are now other procedures on-hand including one which allows nasal administration of certain vaccines. With further advances in medical technology, more methods of vaccinating cats will probably emerge.

Inoculating Your Kitten

The majority of experts agree that all essential vaccinations to protect against feline panleukopeni and upper respiratory viruses be administered to a kitten between the ages of 4 and 20 weeks. The first vaccination should be given when the kitten is 6-8 weeks old; subsequent vaccinations should be delivered at regular intervals of 3 or 4 weeks till the end of the course, which usually occurs 14 to 16 weeks from the initial vaccination.

It is essential that a kitten which frequents the outdoors be vaccinated for the feline leukemia virus. The many kinds of vaccinations available necessitate that a veterinarian be consulted to come up with a suitable vaccination plan for your kitten.

About the Older Cats

‘Booster’ shots to renew immunity will have to be administered to a cat from week 20 onwards, all the way to when it is 2 years old. Beyond this age, booster shots, while still recommended, should be taken after discussing the pros and cons with your veterinarian. There is an on-going debate over how frequently booster shots should be administered and there is no national consensus. While some veterinarians advise a round of shots clumped together, others counsel that shots be administered annually. However, some shots have to be taken subservient to local laws, such as those for rabies.

It’s Not Over Yet

You should pay careful attention to your cat after getting it vaccinated. That way, even though it is accepted that vaccinations are harmless, if your cat gets sick or starts to act strangely you will get in touch with your veterinarian immediately.

Regardless of their views on booster shots, almost all experts hold that vaccinations are an essential element of adequate pet care. Not only do you keep your cat healthy by getting it vaccinated, you also prevent the spread of feline disease.

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