
The Lizard – An Exotic Friend

Exotic pets have a strange allure. People want them for their strangeness and the oddly unique interaction they can have with these animals. There a lot them to choose from. If you are seriously thinking of getting one for your home, the lizard family might be a good place to start.

The Bearded Dragon

For people looking for a pet which is low-maintenance, a lizard might be the ideal choice. The Bearded Dragon is a good choice for a pet. It is very friendly and enjoys being held and stroked. Starting small in their infancy, Bearded Dragons can grow to almost 2 feet in length by the time they reach adulthood. Consider this when buying a cage. A big one will allow the lizard to grow into it as it becomes an adult .A glass aquarium might be nice if you want to observe the lizard in its natural habitat. Bearded Dragons are not fussy about what they eat; fruit, seeds, leaves, small mice and other lizards, all our fair game. Take care not to feed your lizard a live prey; there is the chance that it might hurt your pet.

The Chameleon

Chameleons are another popular choice among families looking for an exotic pet. The many different colors of a chameleon’s skin and its talent of blending in with its surroundings make the chameleons especially fascinating for many people. To simulate its natural habitat in the tank or cage you provide for it, place plenty of leafy branches and shoots; your chameleon will feel much more comfortable as its need for camouflage requires an environment to blend in to. Feeding a chameleon is simplicity itself. Chameleons are carnivorous and a steady diet of crickets is all it needs to stay in good shape. Somewhat problematic is its tendency to only drink water which condenses and drips off leaves. Humidifying their tank a few times everyday is one solution. A water canister designed to drip can be procured at your pet shop to do the job for you.
There are many other lizards suitable as family pets. Do remember to take your pet for regular checkups at your local veterinary clinic.

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