There are different classifications of seizures that can occur in dogs and cats, and differ on the severity and the duration. These are classified as mild, moderate, clustered and severe. Mild or Petit Mal seizures in pets are momentary seizures that have symptoms limited to upward eye movements and blank stares.
Moderate or Grand Mal seizures in pets are characterized by behaviors like the cat or dog falling down, a loss of rigidity in the legs and a loss of consciousness. Grand mal seizures typically last for one to three minutes and then are followed by a period of the dog or cat being restless, running around and running or bumping into objects in the home.
Status epilepticus is the most severe type of seizure in pets and can last for ten minutes or more at one time. It can also be a series of constant seizures within a short period of time without the animal being able to regain consciousness. Cluster seizures in animals are seizures that are multiple within one day and are very difficult to be able to distinguish from status epilipticus.
The seizures that occur with pets are hard to predict and they can occur at any time. The more serious types of seizures can be fatal to pets. There is a period of time known as the aura that occurs before the seizure takes place and lasts for a period of seconds. In this time, it is hard to notice any changes in the animal and can be difficult to know that it will turn into a seizure. Seizures themselves are known as ictuses and they can be a sudden occurrence or a recurrence of a disease. The dog that experiences a seizure can also experience involuntary urination or defecation, convulsions and a loss of control of the limbs. After the seizures, he may appear confused, have a loss of bladder control and be distressed and disorientated.
When you see your dog having a seizure it is best to keep a safe distance from him and only approach him from behind. Do not panic, but take good details of what is happening during the seizure to be able to tell your vet the kind of seizure that he is having. You should tell your vet about any kind of seizure that you suspect your dog or cat is having.
Thank you for your comments on seizures. I have a cat that may be exhibiting the medium type of seizures or cluster.
Kindly take her to the vet soon.My cat got very sick and later died.It could not be diagnosed.
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