
Stop Tom cat Spraying

It is normal for a tom cat to mark its territory by spraying a little here and there. Kittens rarely do this and if they don’t start, it is likely that they never will. It’s a sign of power or masculinity and, as you can expect, is highly related to the hormones flowing through their system. So technically, if we neuter old Tom here, the spraying will stop too.

While this works in theory, the reality of this idea may not necessarily follow. Most owners who have resorted to neutering have found that their cats continue to spay. But for how long?

Spraying usually continues for about two weeks after the operation as there will still be some testosterone in its system. Give it two weeks to clear off completely and the spraying should stop by then. It would be good to clear all previous spray sites whilst it is recovering from the operation. This provides a fresh area and discourages the urge to begin spraying again. Pay more attention to your cat during the recovery period as this may be quite a traumatic experience for it.

What if your cat continues to spay despite being neutered?

Then testosterone was not the sole reason behind the habit. One other cause is the feeling of insecurity. Do what you can to keep old Tom cat secure, this should be emphasised even more when other cats are in the neighbourhood. Always clean its litter tray and feed it daily according to its proper meal time. This little routine like lifestyle helps calm your cat down and make it feel more secure around the house.

Like they say, spraying is highly linked to psychological influences. Therefore, if your tom cat continues to spray all over the place despite your efforts, the next step would be to take it for some behavioural therapy.

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