
Introducing a New Rabbit into Your Home

A lot of people are not aware of the emotional and social level of rabbits, they are very sociable animals and also can create an emotional bond with each other and their owners. For this reason, you should always keep two rabbits together instead of having only one. Rabbits tend to get lonely and depressed when they are kept by themselves.

If one of your rabbits dies, introducing a new rabbit into its habitat can be a very challenging feat. Instead of introducing the new rabbit to the older rabbit in its cage or home, you should pick a neutral ground to have them meet. The older rabbit will act territorial if the new rabbit is placed in its own environment.

One good way to have the rabbits meet is to introduce them in a different room of the house where the older rabbit does not typically go. Place the new rabbit among some small stuffed animals, and let the older rabbit come up and gradually introduce them.

Another idea is to rub almond extract on the rears of both the new rabbit and the older rabbit. Rabbits use the sense of smell to determine their territory, but if you introduce a new neutral odor on both rabbits, they will not feel as threatened by the presence of each other.

Make sure that you are present when introducing the new rabbit, watch the behavior of the older rabbit and if he seems to be taking to the new rabbit, it is ok to let them share the same space, but if you sense that there is likely to be problems, you are going to want to continue this a little bit at a time until you feel that the rabbits are going to be able to get along.

You will know that they are taking to each other when you lay the new rabbit by the older rabbit and they start grooming each other. This is a sign that things are okay for you to put the two together.


Toilet Training Your Cat

If you are like most cat owners, you love your cat but dread cleaning out the litter box. If you do, you may want to consider training your cat to use the toilet instead. It sounds a little bit out there, but it is possible. If you hate cleaning the litter and dislike the way it makes your house smell, you may want to try toilet training your cat.

When you are ready to start toilet training your cat to use the toilet, you need to keep in mind that it does require patience and may take a while for your cat to learn how. You also need to make sure that the toilet lid is left up and that the toilet seat is down. This will help ensure that your cat can use the proper position to use the toilet. Remember to keep your bathroom door open when it is not in use, as this will encourage your cat to come in and use the toilet.

Move the litter box to the bathroom and place it on the floor on either side of the toilet. Make sure your cats are aware of the move in the litter box and get used to it in the new place before you move on to using the toilet. Once they are used to the new little box place, start raising it up off of the ground. Gradually raise the height of the litter box until it is the same height as the toilet.

Once your cat is accustomed to the height of the litter box, you can start the toilet training of your cat. Take a metal bowl and fill it with cat litter. Place the bowl inside of the toilet. Train your cat until he is comfortable with having all four paws on the toilet when using the litter inside of the toilet. After your cat is comfortable with using the toilet this way, slowly reduce the amount of litter in the bowl until there is none. Fill the bowl with water, and when you cat is used to that remove the bowl completely. Your cat is now using the toilet!


Choosing a Turtle as a Pet

When it comes to choosing a pet for your family, there are a lot of things to consider. How much time you and your family will have to devote to the pet, how much time and money the pet will cost, what you can do with it when you are out of town and many other issues that need to be considered. A lot of people are finding that having a pet turtle for their family is a great idea.

One of the biggest reasons that a pet turtle is great for children is that it does not require as much time and attention as other pets, especially pets such as dogs. But although they do not require as much time and attention there are other things that you should consider. One major thing to consider when thinking about getting a pet turtle is that they have a long life expectancy of up to 25 years. Be sure that you are willing and that your children will be willing to have a pet that long.

Also, children may get bored with a pet turtle because they are not known to have a lot of interaction with people. If your family is looking for a pet that they can play with outside, take for walks and that will greet them when they come home, you may want to consider another type of pet.

Turtles can also be disease-spreading animals. Salmonella in particular is a concern with having a pet turtle in the house. Anytime after someone has touched or handled the turtle, they should wash their hands right away. When it comes to setting up an environment for the pet turtle, you will need a cage, bedding and food, water and vitamins. You will need to make arrangements for someone to care for your turtle if you are going to be out of town, as they require daily maintenance.

All in all, having a pet turtle can be rewarding as long as you aware of the commitment it takes.


How to Teach your Dog to Stop Jumping – And Fast!

When asked what is one of the most unpleasant habits of their dogs, most owners will say jumping. Dogs love to do it, and people do not find it so amusing. During the puppy and training phase, it is easy to encourage jumping when you might not even be aware you are doing it. We are so excited when we bring our puppies home and see them interacting with us and showing affection, that it is hard to scold them for jumping.

The problem is that the dog does not understand a little puppy jump and a big adult dog jump. They think they are simply greeting you in a way that you used to love, but now all of a sudden are scolding them for. Dogs think of jumping as a way to express their love and excitement when you come home or when strangers come to visit, but there is rarely a person who enjoys being jumped on, especially by a large dog.

Teaching your dog the no jumping command, or the off command is essential. Big dogs can grow to be even taller than their owners and can pack quite a bit of force into their jumps without meaning too. As part of your training, it is important to teach them that jumping is not acceptable and to become familiar with the no jumping and off commands early on.

Some dogs by nature are not prone to jumping very much. For some dogs, the only time they do jump is to greet you from a long day at work and show how excited they are to see you. But there are instances when dogs jump to try to show some kind of dominance over you, and this is where it might become a big problem. By nature, dogs are innately equipped to run in packs and show their dominance by overpowering the other dogs and jumping to increase their size, which means that there is a bigger problem involved that simple jumping.

Make sure you are consistent when reacting to your dog jumping up. Don’t act upset about it one day, and then show praise for it another. Dogs need to see consistent action from you to learn if a behavior is right or wrong. The best thing to do is teach your dog early on that jumping behavior is not acceptable and that you will not tolerate it. If your dog can learn this right away, he will be less apt to jump at all on you or strangers, even when he is just excited.

When your dog does jump up, the best thing to do is ignore the behavior. If you do not show any reaction toward what your dog is doing, he will be less likely to do it over and over because they do not get any kind of reaction from you, and that is what they are really looking for is your reaction and approval.


The Most Important Things You Should Know About Reptiles as Pets

Along with the popularity and increase of people having reptiles as pets, so is the amount of problems increasing with it. While reptiles can make great pets, they can also come with a long list of problems that you should know about before you bring one home. State legislature has the ability to decide what kinds, types and breeds of reptiles you can legally have in your home. Each state is different, and it is very important to check with the state you live in before you consider having pet reptiles.

People often underestimate the responsibility and care that is required with having reptiles as pets. While people often know how to care of cats and dogs, they do not always know the environmental requirements of reptiles. In addition, reptiles depending on their breed and type have certain dietary requirements that are unpleasant to people. For instance, snakes are strictly meat eaters and cannot live on fruits and vegetables. They will need to have a constant supply of frozen or live rodents, insects or fish at all times.

Another problem with having reptiles as pets is that they are prone to certain inflictions and diseases. Parasites, mites and fungus are just a few of the possible diseases and problems that reptiles can develop. There is also mouth rot, eye caps and rickets that can affect your reptiles.

Before you select a reptile to bring home as your pet, make sure that you do enough research and gain a solid understanding of what is entailed with owning the reptile. The best way to gain knowledge is to talk to those that have experience with reptiles as pets and know what is best. Herpetological groups are a great way to meet like-minded individuals who have experience with having reptiles as pets and can be a great resource to determine which breed; type and kind of reptiles are best for you.


What Kind of Dog is Best for you – Pure Breed, Designer Breed or Mixed Breed

There are a lot of different kinds of dogs out there to choose from. Finding the right one for your family can be a difficult choice. Choosing a designer or pure bred dog can be beneficial if you are looking for specific qualities in the dog that are specific to a breed. But there are things to keep in mind when choosing a full bred or designer bred dog. You may find a breed that is great with kids and loves to play, but that dog may also hate to be alone and needs to constantly be around people. That would be great if you have kids, but if your family is gone all day and the house is empty, that dog may not be the best choice for you.

Some people tend to lean toward dogs that are mixed breeds. They can find qualities of one breed of dog and another, without having to take the bad and good of a full bred dog and pay the large price tag that usually accompanies them. Mixed breeds are usually calmer around children and adapt better to family life. They are also typically less prone to develop certain health problems that are specific to a certain breed.

So what exactly is a designer dog? Designer dogs are bred on purpose to create a specific kind of dog. A lot of research goes into this, and the combinations of dogs being bred is carefully thought out. The lure of designer dogs is the thought that you can have a dog that is great with kids, doesn’t shed and is ok to leave alone for a day. The idea behind this sounds great, but it doesn’t always work like planned, and a lot of people disagree with the ethics behind it, stating that it just a way to create a very expensive mixed bred dog. The question of whether or not this is an ethical action has also been addressed.

Whatever your feelings are on full bred, mixed bred and designer dogs, you should always do your research on what kind of dog is best for your situation and family. Sometimes it is possible to find a full-bred dog that can be a good fit your family, but sometimes that is achieved easier through finding a mixed bred dog that fits in nicely with your family.

Some people prefer the mixed bred dogs also, because they are often the ones you see in the pound or that need adopting. If you are interested in adopting one of these kinds of dogs, check with your local humane society or animal shelter, you are sure to find a friendly companion that will make him and your family very happy.

No matter what you choose from mixed breed to full breed or even a designer breed, as long as your love your dog and train it well, it will be a very happy addition to your family.


What You Should Know About Chicken First Aid

Not everyone is aware of what a chicken goes through when they molt their old feathers and start to grow new ones. Although it can be a very simple process without any problems, it is good to know what to do when problems do arise and what you can do to offer first-aid to a chicken when they have bleeding feathers.

Normally, a chicken molts their feathers and the new one that grows is resembles a quill on a porcupine. The shaft of the feather eventually starts to flake and reveal the feather that is growing and opening. The blood inside of the fully developed feather recedes and leaves a hollow inside to the shaft of the feather. But this does not always happen without problems occurring. If the feather splits or breaks off before the blood vessel is receded, it can leave the blood vessel open without any way of closing it off.

What You Can Do for First-aid to fix a Vertical Split in a Feather

You will need gauze, surgical glue and forceps or someone else to help you. If the wound is wet from blood, use the gauze to dry it off. Glue the split in the feather together and make sure that it is sealed; this could take a few applications. It is best to have someone who can help you, as the chicken will not likely enjoy this medical treatment and you could end up with yourself full of glue and feathers!

What You Can Do for First-aid If the Feather is Broken Off

If the feather is broken off completely, you most likely will be left with part of the shaft. Since the shaft holds open the vein, it will be difficult to try to stop the bleeding, so the entire shaft needs to be removed. Pull the shaft out with forceps and be careful to pull straight out, not at an angle. Hold the follicle with gauze to stop the bleeding, and if necessary seal the follicle with surgical glue.


Things to Keep in Mind Before You Bring Your New Pet Snake Home

As the popularity of having snakes as pets increases, more and more people are considering have one of the reptiles as their family pet. There is a lot more information and instruction on how to care for snakes that is available for new owners now versus a few years ago, which may be one of the reasons that they are increasing in popularity.

Here are some things to keep in mind when preparing to bring your new pet snake home:

Make sure you know the state laws regarding what kind of reptiles you can keep in your home.

Each state has their own regulations on what is allowable for reptiles as pets.

Make a list of a few breeders of the kind of pet snake that you want. Research them and find one that has captive-bred snakes instead of wild caught snakes; this will help ensure that they are healthier.

Check out reptile shows in your area – these are a great place to find specimen-bred snakes.

Contact the different breeders to see which reptile shows that they will be attending in your area, the availability of the snake you want and various other information such as shipping procedures.

Go online to research and get information on how to care for your pet snake, and to find the best kind that will make a good pet. There are a lot of resources on the web as well as books that offer great information on choosing a snake.

Prepare the habitat that you will have for your snake including the cage, heat and lighting.

Get the food supply ready for your snake – either frozen rodents or live rodents.

Bring home your new snake and make sure that the temperature and humidity are right in the cage.

If you are prepared and keep doing your research, you will find that having a pet snake is a great match.


Should You Get Your Cat Feline Vaccinations for Feline Aids?

If you are trying to determine whether or not you should get your cat vaccinated for FIV (Feline Aids), you should know a few things. Twelve percent of all cats in the US have at some point been exposed to FIV. Unlike the human version of HIV, cats can live many years with FIV and exhibit little in the way of health issues.

But, eventually viral infections, kidney disease or diabetes can begin to affect the cat and attack its immune system. Cats with FIV that contract a disease like those, has less chance of being able to fight it off that cats that do not have FIV. So it would be natural to assume that if you get your cat feline vaccinations for FIV, everything is good, right? Well, actually there has been a lot of debate over the issue of getting your cat feline vaccinations or not.

Some Reasons Not to Get Feline Vaccinations:
There are five strains of FIV that are known, and the current feline vaccinations for FIV do not protect against all of the strains.
After the cat is vaccinated for FIV, it will continue to test positive for it, this makes it impossible for the veterinarian to determine whether or not the cat being tested is healthy and vaccinated or infected.
FIV vaccine is a type of vaccination called adjunctive, which means it can produce tumors.
The success rate of FIV in feline vaccinations is 82%. Basically, one of out five of the cats that are exposed to FIV will actually contract it, even thought they were given feline vaccinations for it.

Keep in mind that if you have a cat that is only indoors and not in contact with other cats, there is not really a need for feline vaccinations for FIV. If the cat is outdoors, prior to considering vaccination for FIV, make sure that the cat is spayed or neutered which will decrease the likelihood of getting in a catfight. Remember, cats can live a healthy full life with FIV, and you should consider carefully giving it feline vaccinations for FIV.


Career of Training Dogs - Things to Keep in Mind

If you are looking for a new career and love animals, you may be thinking about starting a career in dog training. Dog training can be a very rewarding career, and one that will continually bring you enjoyment. There are some things that you should keep in mind before embarking on your new career.

There are many areas where you could put your love of dogs and sense of community to good use. A lot of organizations are in need of people to professionally train dogs for services to help hearing impaired or seeing impaired people with their daily lives. There are also needs for people to train police dogs, and other law enforcement dogs.

Aside from the training of prestigious dogs, there are many places that need professionals to train dogs that are pets. A lot of people that get a dog for the first time are unaware of all that is needed to train the dog, and also how much time it takes. If you feel that you are very adept at training dogs and that you have success with training, it could be a very good career choice.

Opening up a dog training school can be a very rewarding, yet challenging job. In addition to having the skills and patience it takes to train dogs and puppies, you also have to be able to discipline when necessary, and be able to handle the job of telling the owners that their dog or puppy did not pass the school or training that he/she was enrolled in.

You have to also be able to deal with owners who are difficult and are not happy with your training if their dog or puppy does not do well. Make sure to have a plan in effect for such cases, and always have the information and procedures available right away to the owners so that they know exactly what to expect and what not to expect from you and their pet after the class is complete. Going over the rules and disclosures upfront with the owners will keep things more manageable.

It is also a good idea to enlist the help of other dog lovers to assist in your training school that can provide the backup and support when you need it. You can usually find volunteers who would be happy to help play and feed the dogs, but you should also think about it from a business perspective and if you are not good with the business dealings, hire a professional bookkeeper that can help you.

Having a career as a dog trainer can be a great match for you if you love dogs, and you have a lot of success and fun training them. Just make sure to fully have a business plan together, and know your limitations before you begin, and you can have a successful and fun job in dog training.


Homemade Cat Treats - Recipes for Your Pets

If you are looking for some healthy food and treats for your feline friends, try making some cat treats. This will ensure that you know what is going into the treats for ingredients, and make your cats happy at the same time. Here are two great recipes to try at home:

Cat Tuna Cookies

Ingredients: 8 oz can of tuna in oil
2 cups cornmeal
2 cups flour
¾ cup water
2/3 cup vegetable oil
½ teaspoon salt

Cooking Instructions:
Stir all ingredients together in a bowl. Roll out the dough unto a floured surface until the dough is ¼ inch thick. Cut into shapes or squares and place on a cookie sheet. Bake in the oven at 350 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes.

Cat Go Fishes

Ingredients: 1 package of dry active yeast
¼ cup warm water
1 cup chicken or fish stock
2 tablespoons molasses
2 cups flour
1 ½ cups whole wheat flour
1 cup cracked wheat
½ cup cornmeal
½ cup dry milk powder
1/3 cup fish food flakes
1 teaspoon salt
1 egg
1 tablespoon milk

Mix the warm water and yeast together and let stand for five minutes. Then stir in the broth and molasses. Add in the flour and rest of the dry ingredients. Place the dough on a floured surface, making sure the dough is stiff then divide in half. Let stand for ten to fifteen minutes and then roll out each half to ¼ inch thick. Cut into shapes and place on cookie sheet. Mix the egg and milk and brush the mix over the biscuits. Bake in the oven at 300 degrees for 35 minutes. Let the cat treats cool after the oven is off overnight.

These healthy cat treats will be sure to tempt and satisfy the taste buds of your feline friends.


Tips to Help your Puppy Grow Into A Well Behaved Dog

It can sometimes be very hard to say no to your new little puppy. They have a way of tipping their cute little heads, and looking at us with those big weepy eyes, and we melt. But no matter how cute they look, and how hard it is to correct them when they are doing something wrong, it is very important to be tough and stand your ground.

Puppies that do not learn the meaning of ‘no’ and who are not taught correctly what they can and can not do, will not know how and therefore continue the inappropriate behaviors well into adulthood. Training can be started young in puppies, and is usually most successful when started at age eight to ten weeks. It is usually at this age when the puppy joins its new home, and is apt to start learning.

When you begin training your puppy, you should always begin with short sessions that incorporate play into them as well. Puppies need the play part of it to keep them listening to you and it will be more effective for you both. Also, it encourages the puppy to trust you when you are having fun.

Teaching the puppy its name is one of the very first things you need to do when training. The puppy needs to know his name before he can progress to other levels of training. If he does not recognize his name, it is doubtful that he will recognize any other commands. Work with him until you feel he is comfortable with it.

One of the other first commands to teach your puppy is learning to sit. When you start training him this command, it is a combination of action and words. You have to be instructing him to sit as you are gently pushing down on his rear end to the sitting position. When he starts to get the grasp of this, and seems to be understanding it, you need to reward him so that he knows he is doing the right thing, and will be more motivated to learning other commands.

Introducing the leash to your puppy may be a little hard to get the hang of for both of you. Your puppy will not fully understand the purpose of the leash and will rely on you to teach him what it means to be on the leash, and the behavior you expect out of him. Eventually, your puppy will know to let you guide him and not try to run off, but it will take a while to learn this.

Remember, when you are training your puppy, it is important to be consistent and do not expect your puppy to learn and perfect everything right away. It is good to be prudent when training, but also remember that your new puppy is there for fun and love as well. Shower him with affection, and praise him often for all the good things he does.


How to Care for your Aquarium Fish

Aquarium fish can be the ultimate pet for many different people and for a lot of reason. They are beautiful, serene animals and don’t require a ton of attention. They are not noisy, they do not call disturbances, and you do not need to take them for a walk.

Aquarium fish do have some needs though, and you need to make sure you have the proper equipment to take care of them. You will need a tank that is the right size and has the right water temperature for your type of fish. If you are unsure what your fish needs, make sure you get advice from an expert at the pet store to help you.

The most important thing when it comes to caring for aquarium fish is the food. Many people make the mistake of overfeeding their fish, and do not get good results. In order for your aquarium fish to thrive and live well, you need to have the proper amount of food and the right kind.

Aquarium fish prefer to graze, so it is best to feed them small amounts of food throughout the day, rather than once a day. You should be feeding them 2-3 times per day. Also, the amount of food you feed them at each feeding should be only a small pinch. You need to put it in the same place in the tank every time. Aquarium fish will learn to look for the food in a particular place.

If you are thinking that you may be over feeding them, watch how they react when you drop food in the tank. If they eat it before it falls to the bottom, then chances are you are giving them the right amount. If they let it fall to the bottom, you are probably giving them too much.

Aquarium fish can make excellent pets as long as you take good care of them and carefully monitor their feeding.


Preventative Health Care for your Dog

Catching a problem in your dog’s health before it becomes serious can not only save you time and money, but protect your dog as well. Taking preventative health measures for your dog include examining her at home every week and annual exams with the vet.

The annual exam with the vet is not simply administering vaccinations, but also involves a complete examination of the dog. The vet will palpate all of the dog’s organs to make sure they feel normal, listen to the heart and longs, checks the eyes and ears and check the temperature.

Vaccinations are key to protect your dog’s health. They can help prevent serious diseases such as rabies, hepatitis and parainfluenza. Vets can also vaccinate your dog for Lyme disease, which is important if you live in a wooded area or your dog spends a lot of her time outside.

Most people are not aware that spaying or neutering before a dog reaches maturity can help prevent them against health problems and diseases. It is commonly assumed that you should wait until the dog goes into heat before spaying, but that is simply a myth. The procedures themselves are a lot easier to perform when the dogs are young and do not require the use of as much anesthesia.

Dogs that are spayed or neutered before they go into heat and mature are much more likely to live a long, healthy life. You should get your dog altered by the time they are four to six months old. It is not a huge expense, but offers great rewards. In addition to protecting the health of your dog, spaying and neutering prevents the birth of unwanted puppies that become homeless and sick and have very difficult lives. No one wants to see dogs needlessly suffer, so get your dog spayed and neutered to help protect them and other dogs.


Know the Early Signs of Cat Disease

Unlike their human counterparts, cats are not able to tell us when they are not feeling well. Sometimes, we may simply think our furry companions are just acting a little different, but they may be trying to tell us something. Knowing how to detect warning signs in you cat early on can help diagnose a potentially serious problem.

We love our pets, and they rely solely on us to take care of them. Sometimes they may be trying to tell us that they are sick, but we don’t notice small little changes that can build over time until it is too late and they are truly sick. To help care for your cat and catch something before it turns serious, there are a few things you need to know.

First, look for any changes in their behavior. Just like humans, cats have different personalities and moods. If your cat is usually friendly and suddenly seems to be withdrawn and moody, there could be a problem. If a cat always wants to be with you and be petted and suddenly is hiding or does not want to be touched, it could be a sign of a serious illness.

For instance, if you notice that your cat is suddenly drinking more often and always is thirsty, it may be an early sign of feline diabetes. It doesn’t mean that there is a serious problem, but it could be an indicator. Another thing to watch out for is a change in your cat’s appearance. If she is normally independent and spends a lot of time alone, and is suddenly around you, it could be a warning sign.

Changes in her coat such as dullness, excessive hair loss, or dry and course hair could also be signs of illness. Changes in her appetite and elimination habits are big things to keep an eye on. You may mistakenly assume that your cat is sick of her food, but in fact she could be exhibiting signs of a more serious problem. Always be aware of your cat’s litter box habits. If there is the presence of mucous or blood in the urine or stool, it is a good idea to get her checked out right away.

While some changes in your cat’s behavior and mood can be normal, if they are ignored they could turn into something serious in a short amount of time, take time to notice your cat’s behavior and call your vet if you are suspicious of something wrong. You love your pet, help her stay healthy.


How to Treat an Animal Bite

Nobody wants to think about getting bitten by an animal. Animal bites can be painful, hard to heal, and most of all very dangerous. Depending on what kind of animal you are bitten by and the severity, there are different courses of action you would need to take.

If you get bitten by a wild animal, or domestic animal that you are not familiar with, you need to call the police or animal control immediately. It is important that they are able to catch the animal to be able to test it for rabies or other kinds of illness that you would need to get treated for.

You also need to immediately wash out the wound. Animal bites can be very dirty and full of germs, you will need to completely wash the wound with lots of soap and water. This can help get rid of any excess saliva or germs from the bite.

After you wash it out, go to your emergency room or call your doctor. Animal bites, even if they do not look severe can be very dangerous. You need to get them looked at as they can be infected very easily. If you are given any kind of medication or antibiotic, make sure to take the entire dose and follow instructions of the doctor.

Animal bites should also be reported to your local health department and animal control. If this is a repeat offender, and a sick animal it is the only right thing to do to report it so that it can be quarantined and taken care of properly.

Animal bites are not extremely common, but they do happen and should not be ignored. Even if you think it is not a bad bite, or that severe – you never know the extent of how dangerous the animal who bit you could be. It is always the best advice to get it checked out, animal bites are serious business.


Exotic Pets Have Something to Offer for Alternative Companionship

Most people prefer the idea of furry, cuddly pets to cuddle up and pet. But cats and dogs are not the only pets available, nor are they right for everyone. There are a lot of other interesting animals that can make great pets.

Insects and spiders are not only fascinating to watch, but they are also clean, quiet pets that do not require a lot of attention, care or room. But before you decide to opt for one for these multi-legged friends, there are some things to consider.

If you are only wanting insects and spiders for pets because they look cool, or sound cool to own, that is not necessarily the right reason. They deserve the same level of commitment as any other pet, and should be given the same amount of thought before purchasing.

If you decide you are willing to commit to owning insects or spiders, here are some tips to choosing the right one. First, if insects and spiders are what you have decided to purchase, you should choose a species that is not dangerous, and also does not require extreme delicacy when handling. Some tarantulas are acceptable for pets and some are not at all venomous or dangerous.

In addition to choosing the right kind of spiders and insects, you should also always do the following to make sure you are doing the right thing and can provide a good habitat for your new pet:
Find out what kind of care they require. Make sure you know what kind of housing, supplies and food are needed for your insects and spiders.
Check with your local animal control services or government agencies to make sure the kind of spiders and insects you want to purchase are allowed and fully legal in your area.
Find out the life span of your insects and spiders before deciding on a particular one. Know that some species of tarantulas are capable of living for up to 30 years.
Find out the proper handling techniques for your new pet. Spiders and insects need to be handled carefully and to keep your family and the pets safe, make sure you get instructions before you take them home.
If you have doubts on a particular kind of insect or spiders, make sure you do enough research and get the information and answers you need prior to making your selection. If you make the right choice, you can have a happy relationship with your new insects and spide


How to Choose the Best Unusual Pet for Your Family

Some people do not feel the need to own a cat or a dog, but are looking for some kind of exotic living creature that they can call their own. It seems that it is becoming increasingly popular for people to own exotic lizards, fish or even inspects. But if you are considering bringing unusual pets into your home, there are some things you should carefully think about first.

Know how to care for the kind of pet you want. Unusual pets such as lizards or other reptiles all have a different level of care and therefore you need to establish the role your new pet will have in your life, and how much time you want to devote to caring for it.

For instance, one example of unusual pets are bushy-tailed Jirds. They are a relation to the gerbil family, and have similar care to that you would give a gerbil. They can be housed in cages, and should be kept in pairs of at least two. They prefer having mates with them, and are very welcoming to new additions.

If you are looking for a trendy animal for unusual pets, check out the sugar gliders. These are marsupials that are active mostly at night and similar to a possum. Gliders have a very unique language that consists of a high-pitched squealing sound. They can be housed in cages and secure from breezy areas. They also need branches for climbing and chewing and require fruits and vegetables to eat.

Unusual pets can also come in the form of hedgehogs. These little balls of quills and fur that can grow to about eight inches long. They sniff out loud and do not like to be roused from their sleep. They can be litter-boxed trained and are not typically very clingy to humans.

Whatever unusual pets you are interested in, just make sure you do your research and find the one that will suit you and your family the best. Unusual pets can make great companions, not to mention great conversation pieces.


Early Warning Signs of Illness in Dogs

A dog’s natural instinct is to act happy and healthy even when they are sick. It is an instinct that is thousands of years old and was used as a survival tactic to not appear weak to predators. Because of this, you will need to keep a close on your dog to be able to detect signs of serious illness early on.

There are some basic indicators that you should be aware of to look for in your dog. For instance, keep an eye on the way your dog looks, acts, eats and drinks. Even a ten percent difference in body weight can indicate a serious problem. Sometimes dogs are prone to skipping a meal or two, but if it foes on for any longer than two days, you need to contact your vet. Likewise, if your dog is not normally begging for food, and you see her stealing food from your table or garbage, it may be a sign of illness.

If your dog suddenly drinks a noticeably larger amount of water, it could be the sign of diabetes or kidney disease. You may not always see her drinking more water, but if she needs to go outside a lot more often and has more of a sense of urgency; it could be a warning sign. The same goes if she is having accidents in the house.

When a dog is healthy, their coat is thick and shiny. If your dog’s coat suddenly has a dull appearance or has rough balding patches, something could be wrong. It may be something like a flea problem, but could also be another kind of skin problem.

A dog that becomes lethargic is sometimes hard to spot, it may happen slowly and over time, but if your normally hyper dog is becoming moody and tired and doesn’t bring you toys to play with, it could be a sign of a serious problem. If it continues, you need to contact your vet.

Vomiting is not as big of deal with dogs as it is with humans. Dogs can make themselves throw up if something they ate is not settling. But if your dog continues to vomit and appears that they are in pain, you need to call the vet immediately.

Our dogs are part of our families, they cannot talk to us to tell us they are sick, they rely on us to help watch out for them.


The Basics of Dog Diseases that You Need to Know

There are a few very serious and potentially fatal diseases that can attack your canine friend that you should be aware of. Although these diseases are typically rare and can be prevented by vaccinations, you should know the importance of knowing about them.

Canine cough, distemper, canine hepatitis, cornavirus, leptospirosis, parvovirus and rabies are the unlucky seven diseases that can become fatal in dogs. Canine cough is a respiratory infection that can be contracted if a lot of dogs are in a small area together, such as a kennel. The disease causes inflammation in the trachea, bronchi and larynx. This disease exhibits itself in ways of a runny nose and severe cough. It is treated by antibiotics and rest.

Coronavirus is spread through stools in dogs and is usually is not fatal. If your dog vomits, seems depressed or has diarrhea they could be infected. Your vet will replenish your dog’s fluids and administer medicine. The best way to prevent this disease is to get your dog vaccinated.

Distemper is the number one disease that kills dogs. It is highly contagious and spread through the air and direct contact. If you dog is healthy and strong, they can usually exhibit only mild symptoms. If your dog’s immune system is not strong enough to fight it off, the disease can attack the entire body and allow other bacteria and germs to enter, which then can cause secondary infections.

From days three to fifteen of being exposed, your dog can develop a runny nose and eyes, fever, lack of appetite and is tired. There are also warning signs such as diarrhea, dry cough and blisters on the abdomen area. The second stage is very serious. This stage involves your dog shaking her head, slobbering, having seizures and falling down.

Canine hepatitis is a viral disease and is spread by direct contact. In milder cases, the symptoms last only a day or two and consist of a runny nose and mild fever. This is most alarming for puppies who are two weeks to six weeks old. They can suffer a more serious version and go into shock. The more common version occurs in puppies a few weeks older and causes fever, swollen lymph nodes and tonsils and lack of energy. Dogs who have a healthy immune system can recover quickly; put in severe cases the disease attacks the blood vessel walls and causes bleeding from your dog’s rectum, nose and mouth.

Letpospirosis is a bacterial disease. It is passed through the urine in dogs. Early signs of the disease are fever, loss of appetite, being tired and depression. If the disease progresses, it will cause sores in the mouth and dark coating on the tongue. Hospitalization is needed with this disease and strong antibiotics are used. Because this disease can be passed on to humans, the dog needs to be handled very carefully.

Parvovirus is a very contagious disease and passed on through an infection in the dog’s fur, paws, saliva and stool. Puppies that are younger than five months old are likely to die. It can take on two forms; the first is most common and causes severe diarrhea, while the second is rarer and causes damage to the heart muscles. Parvovirus is a hard disease to get rid of because it can live for a long time in the environment.

Rabies causes fear in almost anyone. The virus enters the system through an open would and can infect and kill any animal, humans included. There are two forms rabies can take. The first is described as being furious, and the other as paralytic. Paralytic is usually the final stage, which usually ends in death. The furious stage can last for days and cause restless, vicious, nervous and excitable behaviors in your dog. Her breathing will be heavy and fast and she will be foaming at the mouth. It is very important to keep your dog up to date on their rabies vaccinations.


The Basics of Cat Disease You Need to Know

As a cat owner, you are ultimately responsible for the health and protection of your feline friend. You need to be aware of the types of cat diseases and what they mean. One very familiar sounding feline disease is Feline leukemia. Feline leukemia is not transferrable to humans and is strictly a cat disease.

The same goes for feline immunodeficiency virus or FIV. This is similar to HIV disease in people, and it is in the same virus class, but FIV is only found in cats and can not be transferred to humans. There are some misunderstandings about diseases in cats and humans being interchangeable. Cats can get some of the same diseases that humans do, such as heart disease and cancer, but because diseases like this are not spread by germs or any other means, it is not possible to contract them from your cat.

Fleas are typically particular to cats and dogs because of their warmer body temperatures, but they will jump from the infected animal to items in our homes, and then onto us. Although there are potential dangers associated with fleas, usually the worst parts about them are the irritating bites.

Ticks are another example of a blood thirsty insect. Once they find their victim, they will latch on and grow. As with fleas, they also prefer the warmth of cats and dogs blood instead of humans, but it is possible. There are a couple of diseases associated with tick bites that you should be aware of; Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Make sure if you are suspicious of a tick bite to remove it immediately with a pair of tweezers and get rid of it immediately.

Worms are nasty little attackers that live in the digestive tract and are hard to detect. Usually the best way to detect them is noticing a change in your cat’s digestive system that causes problems and doesn’t go away. Your vet will want you to bring in a sample of the stool to diagnose the problem.

Unlike their name, ringworms are not really worms. They are a fungus that attacks the skin and causes a scaly, bald batch usually with a red ring surrounding the area. Cats can be carriers of the disease without exhibiting signs at first and carry them into your home and possibly to you.

Rabies is a very serious and fatal disease that once it is taken hold of your pet, there is very little that can be done to get rid of it. Although indoor cats pose very little risk for contracting the disease, it is always a good idea to keep them up to date on their vaccinations.

Cat scratch fever, which is often thought of as a myth or folk lore, is actually a real problem. Bites and scratches from cats can be extremely infectious and the infection can set in rapidly. Be sure to completely clean and sterilize the wound to prevent infection from setting in.

Toxoplasmosis is a parasite that attacks the neurological system in people. It is passed through the cat’s stool. A lot of cat owners are already infected with it and immune to it, but women who are pregnant and children need to be extremely careful when handling litter box duties.


Getting to Know Your New Dog and Letting Him Get to Know You

If you and I were kidnapped, and whisked away to a place where we knew not what was going to happen to us or what the kidnappers were going to do to us, imagine what that would feel like. That is exactly what your new dog may feel when you bring him into to a new home. You will want this experience with your dog to be positive no matter what to start off a bonding relationship.

Before you bring your new dog home, have a few things ready for his arrival. Get him a food and water bowl and make sure these are filled before he comes home. A nice bed is another good idea. Put some treats in it to make it more inviting. Put up other pets until he gets used to his new home. You don't want a fight on your hands the moment he steps inside the door. That will put a strain on your relationship with your dog because he's going to be on guard and not paying you any mind and not to mention, a fight may incur a vet bill. Going into a new home will be enough stress, not to mention a trip to the vet soon after that!

Your dog's aim is to serve you. They are some of the most loyal creatures on Earth. So honor this when you first bring him home and have some time arranged to spend just with him. Sit down in the floor and play with him. Have some treats on hand to offer him. If he does not eat anything right off, try to remember that kidnapping example. Would you want to eat right off? Just let him have some time to get used to you and his new home and surroundings. Your role in this is to make sure he has this time to adjust and to be there with him.

Introduce new things to your dog a little at a time and always make sure when you do, you have set aside enough time to rightly do so. Brushing, other pets being introduced, new people he has not met yet, and grooming are some of the things you'll want to take time and ease into. Obviously, the first of these things is the introduction to other pets and other family members.

No matter what kind of pet you already have, a dog's first instinct is going to be a sniff over. It is a good idea to have someone else there that the dog has already met to help with the other animal while you soothe and talk to your dog in to getting to know his new 'family member'. Don't rush things whatever you do! Of all the things you need to do with your new dog, this one will require more time and patience, not to mention precautions. Sometimes pets never get along and only tolerate one another for the sake of getting scolded by you. Keep this mind when making those first introductions.


The Love from a Pet is Unconditional and Sometimes Downright Amazing

The love from your pet to you can hardly be matched. Provided you return that affection honestly, and they will know if you aren't for real, the love and loyalty you will receive from your pet will grow into an awesome thing. You may never get to see just how much your pet favors you excepts through normal acts of affection, like your dog licking your face of your cat purring when you hold him. However, there have been reported acts of bravery and courage from someone's pet during a crisis or time of need that can't be matched by humans.

There have reported incidents of animals saving their owner's lives on the news and on animal channels. The selfless acts these animals have done is just evidence to prove their love and loyalty to us as caring owners. To them, even when they have performed an extraordinary heroic act, they are just doing their duty to return our love to us. If you love an animal truly and give it the best care you possibly can, you will be rewarded by that animal in some kind of way.

Movies have been made on the concept of an animal's loyalty to the people in his life who have cared and loved him no matter what they had had to do. Lassie is one of the most famous of these and so is Benji. The movie Homeward Bound is another. In all these, the animal is exhibiting only his love for the humans who loved him.

The most amazing acts of selflessness from an animal are the rescues they have successfully pulled off. One woman was reported being saved from a certain death in a house fire by her pet ferret. He was up on her chest and making all kinds of noises and touching her face until she woke up to realize she had drifted with food cooking on the stove. Or what about the man whose Rottweiler wouldn't let him go hiking by sitting steadfastly and not moving from in front his house door. For his dog this was totally out of character because she was always ready to go whenever he grabbed her leash. However, this day she would not budge or let him through the door. He was puzzled and was worried she was not up to going out because there was something wrong with her. Much to his surprise, when he went to hang back her leash, he had a major stroke. As if what his dog had done hadn't been amazing enough, she went on to prove herself even more so by dragging the phone to him to call 911. This dog had never had any formal rescue or therapeutic training. Her acts were out of a keen instinct that just something wasn't right and the love and loyalty she held for master.
We get what we give, especially when it comes to animals. We are fortunate to have them as our friends and companions.

Parrots are Great Pets and Lifelong Companions

Most pets you can have, a dog or a cat usually, will most likely not live longer than 15 years. Most of them don't make it that long. But a parrot is another story. These awesome birds can live up to 50 years. In the case of the Macaw, up to 100 years or more. So if you want a pet that will be around for awhile, a parrot is a good choice. Follow these tips and bits of advice when choosing a parrot as a pet:

· People don't usually consider their living space as a factor in choosing a parrot as a pet, but this is important to the bird. Just because you put him in a huge cage that takes up your whole living room, doesn't mean he won't be claustrophobic in a small room. Make sure you have a large room to put his cage in.

· Parrots very rarely take to other animals. They are usually on the losing end when it comes to a dog with big jaws or a cat with claws. The parrot, by instinct, knows this, so try not stress him out with other animals. If you have other pets that stay outdoors, that would be the ideal situation for owning other pets in addition to your parrot.

· Another factor to consider in choosing a parrot as a pet is noise. They don't sing like songbirds, they squawk. They are capable of learning words, too, and they will say these over and over. If these things won't bother you or others in your family, a parrot will get along well in your home. Macaws can generate ear-piercing screams.

· Parrots don't come cheap. The larger birds that can learn to talk, African Greys, and Macaws for example, go for anywhere between $2000 to $5000, while the smaller birds, Conures and Quakers, range between $500 and $700.

· The time you will have to spend with your parrot is another important factor. You will need to spend at least half an hour a day with him, more if you can. That would be better. They are social animals and need company to thrive and be healthy.

· Take this into consideration if you have children: Parrots will bite and it isn't a little bite. Make sure if you decide to get a parrot to teach children not to put fingers in the cage. Never leave a child unsupervised with any animal.

· To keep a caged parrot healthy and happy, you need to provide him with the proper kind of diet and lots of toys to play with. Imagine spending everyday in that cage with nothing to munch on or anything to occupy your time. A parrot will make a much better bird with all the things he needs.

· The type of diet to feed your parrot is important. Pet stores can hook you up with food for him that will meet all his nutritional needs. Don't give your parrots people food unless you know for sure he should have it. Talk to your veterinarian about an extended diet.


What to Do When You Bring Home A New Cat

A cat in a new environment can be tricky. Everything from the dog barking to the television playing too loud is going to frighten a cat whose just come to your home. Bringing a new pet home is always a stress on the animal, but a cat seems to take this stress to heart. If you are going to be getting a cat, take a few precautions when you bring him home.

One of the first things to remember when taking home a new cat is either use a pet carrier to bring him home in. This will first of all ensure a safe ride home for you and your cat, and it will make the transition from the car into your house a lot easier. Once you do get your cat in the house, remember a car ride was probably scary for him. Let him relax in a quiet spot inside the carrier for a few minutes before you bring him out. Use precaution because no matter how sweet natured a cat may be, in a stressful situation, he is going to hang for dear with those claws. A good idea would be to lightly wrap a towel around and hug him to you, gently talking to him all the while.

Once out, your new cat's first instinct is going to be to explore his new surroundings. Depending on the personality of the cat, and can these ever be varied, this will be the most important part for you and your new arrival. Some cats are laid back and seem to be able to deal with anything while others are frightened easily. This depends on what the cat has previously been exposed to. No matter which kind of cat you think you have, take a little time to make his homecoming the best possible.

Put up your other pets for your new cat's arrival. The scent of the other animals is going to enough to stress him out, much less having Fido jumping and barking at him when he first comes in the door. This will make for a cat who first place in your new home will be under your bed and couch. Provide a quiet environment for when you bring him home. This is going to make all the difference in the world to you and your cat's new relationship together.

When you arrange to bring your cat home, try to make sure you're going to have enough time to spend with him getting used to things. Don't bring him home and then leave to go to work. Sit down with him and pet him, and talk to him for a bit before letting him loose. Make sure the spot you choose to sit with him has a food and water bowl already prepared and close by. When he does get freedom, just let him slowly poke around and get used to things. Don't fret if he doesn't eat right off. He will, just give him time.


Pets and Proper Care

There are certain things you should think about in order to properly care for your pets. Many of these things include their basic needs, immunizations, exercise, love, and more.

When you have a pet you cannot just give it food and water and call it a day. There is a lot more included in taking care of a pet. You need to have time to give to your pet because it needs attention. Some pets require more attention than others. For instance, a dog needs a lot of attention and so do parrots. Horses, cats, and other animals may not require as much petting and attention but you should give it to them anyway. A dog for instance strives to make its owner happy. The petting and approval is what a dog lives for. You can tell a dog that is pet and loved a lot versus a dog that gets absolutely no attention from its owner. You should not own a pet if you do not have the time to love it and nurture it.

If you work a lot and your pet is home alone most of the time then you might want to consider another pet as a companion for them to play with. This can minimize boredom and provide a companion for playtime.

In addition to healthy food and plenty of water, your animals need to be up to date on their vaccinations. You can be sure of this by taking them to a veterinarian. The last thing you want is for your pet to become sick with an illness.

Animals need plenty of exercise. This means that you should have plenty of space for them to run around in. If you live in an apartment and you keep your animal cooped up all day long then you should make it part of your day to get your dog out of the house to the park or an open space to run around. Exercise builds muscle and bone strength and ensures a longer life of your animal. If you have a bird in a cage then you should be sure the cage is large enough for it or when you get home allow your bird to come outside of the cage. If you properly clip the wings then your bird will not fly away.

Proper care of a pet means having the time to give it to let your animal know that you love it. You need to be able to spend time with your pet and give it plenty of room to exercise. Promoting your animal’s health through eating right, vaccinations, and plenty of exercise is extremely important for a happy animal.


Pet's Expert

Hey All,

I am Saman from Lahore, Pakistan. I am CEO of my own online copywriting agency MS Copywriters. You can check it by visiting for further details. However, this blog is not about copywriting; it is about my other interest, craze, habit or whatever you call it in your own world, "PETS". I've been raising cats and birds since I was a child. Being a huge pet lover all my life, I know each and every minor or major detail regarding all breeds of cats, birds and parrots. In my opinion, my pets are not just animals or birds, they are part of my family or as I say to my friends and sisters, part of the "Rashid Household". Enthusiastic as I am, I always took great interest in the "pet" lives of my family and I'm well acquainted with all sorts of dog problems too.

I tried keeping a dog when I was young but due to some problems, I could not keep him. I'm in complete LOVE with my cats and birds and I look forward sharing my personal experiences as well as helping others to solve their problems and queries.

I’m eagerly looking forward to hearing from all you pet lovers. Comment on my posts and share your experiences.

Thank you and keep reading.
Saman Rashid